Not everyone wants to live longer, especially if it means simply suffering for longer. I don't know too many people however, who don't want to enjoy more years of wellness. One of the best ways to gain greater understanding of how we might achieve greater longevity and wellness is to take lessons from people who have lived the longest.
In 2015 a National Geographic expedition lead by Dan Buettner went to uncover the secret to living longer. His team explored 5 regions of the world where people consistently lived to over 100 years of age.
They were astounded by their findings and Dan published a book - Blue Zones: Lessons from the World’s Longest Lived. He discovered 9 common denominators amongst people in these regions. One of the biggest commonalities was being connected to people and community. He coined these 9 common denominators: Power 9©.. Here are the 9 Factors to living longer the he uncovered in his research:
Dan Buettner's research has influenced policy makers, local businesses, schools and communities across the world. He has help to shift their focus to creating environmental changes based on his work. These changes have helped to reduce obesity, increase longevity and help people to make healthier life choices. These life choices focus on long term health rather than short term change. For more information check out Dan Beuttner's Website and his Book. 9/1/2020 01:46:10 pm
I do really think that the social circles and relationships should be further up the list. The culture and society around us is so influential. If no one around you wants to move naturally and eat plants foods then the chance you will do so is pretty minimal. Comments are closed.
AuthorKat Murray, Archives
November 2024