Lower Back and Leg Stretches, Triggering and Foam Roller Exercises
Lower Back Stretches & Triggering
There are numerous muscles that have an affect of the lower back. These are several of them. We highly recommend loosening off through these muscles for people that sit down for long periods of the day or sports that involve hip flexion such as running, rowing, cycling and swimming.
QL Stretch*
Psoas Stretch
Psoas Stretch 2
Glut Stretches and Triggering
For those of your experiencing lower back pain, releasing through your gluts can help to make you feel better. For anyone performing sport or physical activity on a regular basis gluts should be part of your self treatment routine. Talk to your remedial massage or myotherapist about a program that would best work for you.
Glut Triggering
Glut stretch
Glut Foam Roller
Quads Stretches, Triggers and Foam Rolling
Anyone doing rowing, swimming or cycling should be loosening off their quads on a regular basis. If you are doing squats at the gym it is essential that you have enough flexibility in your quads to be able to get into a strong position in a squat.
People who sit at desks all day will shorten these muscles so stretching them out during the day can help with lower back pain. Additionally loosening these can help to improve your running technique (efficiency) and improve your posture.
People who sit at desks all day will shorten these muscles so stretching them out during the day can help with lower back pain. Additionally loosening these can help to improve your running technique (efficiency) and improve your posture.
Trigger Quads
Against a wall.
Quad Stretch
1:30min |
Quad Foam Roller
Knee/foot parallel with the foam roller. Take the weight on the forearms and knee & foot.
Hamstring Stretch, Foam Roller & Trigger
If your hamstrings are tight it can be difficult to rock over at the finish of your rowing stroke. Hamstrings also play a part in lower back pain.
Hamstrings Triggers
Hamstring Stretch with Band
Hamstrings Foam Roller
ITB Triggers & Foam Rolling
Your ITB is a band of fascia that runs down the side of your leg. Often runners will feel pain on the side of their knee that can be caused by the muscles that attach into your ITB being too tight. We highly recommend triggering/ foam rolling through the area as well as addressing the muscles that insert into your ITB - hamstrings, quads, TFL and gluts if you are experiencing these symptoms. Talk to you myotherapist or massage therapist at our South Brisbane Clinic if you are experiencing these types of symptoms.
ITB Foam Roller
ITB Trigger
Your adductors are a muscle that often gets over looked, they can play a role in switching off your gluts (therefore contribute to lower back pain) can cause misalignments in your pelvis and even contribute to a hernia if left to become too tight! Talk to your massage or myotherapist about whether or not loosening up your adductors could help!
Long Adductor Stretch
Short Adductor Stretch (Butterfly stretch)
Foam Roller Adductors
Ankle range of motion is important for avoiding knee problems, foot problems such as plantarfasciitis, improve your catch position in rowing and
Tibialis Anterior Foam Roller
Triggering Back of your Calf
Foam Rolling for your Calf