(One of my favourite places to run - The Old Botanic Gardens!) Hey there!
Kat here! One of the main reasons why I started Just Knead It was to empower people to become the best version of themselves. Helping you to live a long, healthy and happy life is what gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me pushing Just Knead it forward. (Sounds lame but it's true!) One of the key goals to achieving this is to give you the skills and tools to help you fulfil your health and fitness goals. So I want to give you some really high value information that helps rocket launch your wellness journey. So what is first? HABITS! Health is a lifestyle and it starts with creating healthy habits. 3 tips to get you started on healthier habits? Plan the night before.
THEY ARE HUGE GOALS and good on you for setting them! However, what's going to happen tomorrow morning when you get up and it's dark!!? Will rolling over, pulling up the covers and pressing snooze seem like a better idea? Plan what you are going to do the night before, when you are more motivated. How often do you procrastinate from getting out of bed because you're trying to work out what exercise you're going to do?! By the time you decide you could have been finished?? Change the goal post! Often huge goals like losing 10kg or getting fit for summer can be quite overwhelming. Let's get back to the process. In the morning rather than thinking about the exercise, just focus on getting out of bed and putting your exercise gear on. Half the battle is just making that first decision to get out of bed. Think about how long it takes to actually make that decision? Seconds. So all you have to worry about is being uncomfortable for a few seconds. Once you're up it's much easier! What is your focus?
They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. In the whole scheme of the world that is nothing. Even though when you're in the thick of it it seems like forever! Just take it day by day. Don't be too hard on yourself and aim for small shifts rather than big jumps. If we aim for 1% better each day over time we'll make huge gains! You've got this! Would love to hear how you go!! From Kat Murray Founder - Just Knead It - Sports and Remedial Massage PS
AuthorKat Murray, Archives
November 2024